Jack Utermoehl

Welcome! I'm Jack Utermoehl, the founder of Asivana Yoga Company and Bhav Spiritual Jewelry, and an E-RYT 200 certified yoga teacher and Yoga Alliance certified continued education provider.

My journey through the realms of yoga has been one of exploration, adventure, and deep interconnectedness. Let me share with you a little bit about myself.

Jack Utermoehl Story Yoga Teacher and Founder of Asivana YogaSamastiti in Nashik India Yoga Anjali Mudra

My Journey

Suffering from depression, I was seeking answers to understand why and purpose. I quickly arrived at these questions in my teens as the ‘end of the road’ questions. I was unable to see why I was here or my purpose for being here. And I didn’t quite understand what ‘here’ meant either!

In my exploration, I read hundreds of books, practiced several different modalities from religion to new age practices until I discovered yoga through asana like just about everyone in America.

I recall one day going to the gym to workout but feeling unmotivated to hit the weights or the machines, I turned my gaze to the left and there was a vinyasa yoga class starting. I walked in, laid down a yoga mat in the far back corner and something magical happened.

The clarity and lightness I experienced post vinyasa yoga had alleviated my depression symptoms, made me feel physically better, and most importantly, I felt passion burning in my heart.

I couldn’t stop, I went every week for a month, I started to explore other classes and in a short 3 months I was going to a yoga class at least once a day and reading, watching, talking about yoga non-stop.

Jack Utermoehl Story Yoga Teacher and Founder of Asivana Yoga Teaching Yoga Workshop to Students

Yoga Teacher Training

My first yoga teacher was offering a yoga teacher training (YTT) at this point which would commence over the course of 10 months. It was meant to be. I signed up in 2015 and never looked back.

After having a spiritual experience at a Vipassana retreat that pulled me to Colorado from Minnesota in 2014, I knew something was in the Rocky Mountains for me to discover. We like to joke that the Rockies are the Himalayas of America and if you’ve ever been here then you know the feeling.

I was blessed to discover so many beloved yogis, teachers, and practitioners.

Connecting with the yoga community while in YTT, practicing yoga 6+ hours a day whether asana, pranayama, or dharana, I was rapidly evolving into the man of yoga that I am today.

It wasn’t easy, I implemented a myriad of sadhana (practices) to shape and form my being. Overcoming traumas, depression, and a host of other baggage. I now teach and share my practices and the knowledge I’ve gathered in the hopes of helping others and bringing people together.

In 2016 I met a dear mentor and friend, Manoj Chalam and his wife Jyoti. They taught me about bhav, bhakti, and Advaita Vedanta- a practice that I follow and live everyday.

The knowledge imparted to me changed my life forever. This included not just the knowledge of duality and non-dual philosophy, but the practices I have today of mantra meditation as kriya yoga, bhakti yoga, and the depth of my vinyasa yoga practice.

Jack Utermoehl Story Yoga Teacher and Founder of Asivana Yoga Bhakti House Yoga Studio Yoga Immersion Yoga Class

Bhakti House Yoga Studio

I started the Bhakti House Yoga Studio, a place for yoga practitioners and seekers to gather and celebrate as well as discuss and share their personal practices and studies with each other. The studio being my home and the people being dear friends (both familiar and new).

We've created a discussion group on the 8-limbs of yoga, yoga immersions, workshops, and series of yoga classes.

I have cherished every moment with them here.

When Jyoti transitioned during the Covid era, I assisted Manoj at yoga festivals, workshops, and YTTs around the country. I even traveled to India with him on pilgrimage with a group of the most amazing yogis and seekers.

India changed me.

Jack Utermoehl Story Yoga Teacher and Founder of Asivana Yoga Jack Utermoehl in India with Yoga Tribe - Asivana Yoga

Asivana Yoga Company

Integrating the lessons learned, I started Asivana Yoga Company to provide yoga gear and accessories quickly evolving into a source of yoga knowledge and information.

I love writing about yoga and I created an entire Yoga Hub for knowledge, resources, and information regarding yoga.

I have helped thousands of people with yoga gear and hundreds of yoga studios with my yoga props. I hope to continue serving these communities that offer yoga.

My purpose is to bring people together. The greatest joy I have felt is when I see people gathering for shared love of anything but especially yoga.

Jack Utermoehl Story Yoga Teacher and Founder of Asivana Yoga Bhav Spiritual Jewelry Bhav Booth at Yoga Festival

Bhav Spiritual Jewelry

With the intention of bringing people together, I evolved once more, this time in business, to provide spiritual jewelry. Because it’s not just one path, but all paths that lead to god.

Jewelry is symbolic of purity in the metals and gemstones. Purification is a natural practice along the path of yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices.

Wearing something of pureness allows us to connect deeper symbolically and physically to our practices. Furthermore, wearing symbols and meaningful pieces of jewelry connect us with those around us, continuing my efforts to bring people together.

Now I travel to yoga festivals as a vendor and presenter on topics of symbology, mythology, kriya yoga, yoga sutras, bhakti yoga, and vinyasa yoga.

My love of yoga is eternal. This is my place, I am here and now.

I look forward to serving you.

Thank you for being a part of my journey. Together, we explore the transformative power of yoga. Join me on this path of self-discovery, empowerment, and unity.

Blessings and gratitude,

Jack Utermoehl

Yoga Alliance Profile
