Vishuddha Mudra Seal of Purification Hand Mudra for Throat Chakra

Vishuddha Mudra - Gesture of Purification

Jack Utermoehl

Vishuddha Mudra (vi-SHOO-dah) - Gesture of Purification

Vishuddha mudra, known as the gesture of purification, is a powerful hand gesture used to cleanse and balance the throat chakra (Vishuddha).

This mudra of purification symbolizes purity and clarity, creating effective communication and self-expression. Practicing Vishuddha mudra can help release emotional blockages and purify vata energy.

Vishuddha Mudra - Gesture of Purification Closeup


  1. Sit comfortably in a seated posture with a straight spine.
  2. Place your hands on your knees or thighs with palms facing upwards.
  3. Bring the tip of your thumb to the base of your ring finger.
  4. Keep the index and middle fingers together and extend them straight.
  5. Straighten the little finger along with the index and middle fingers.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly, and focus on your throat chakra.


  • Thought to support the thyroid gland
  • Alleviate respiratory issues.
  • Purifies thoughts and creates clarity of thought
  • Enhances communication and fluidity of sound
  • Helps to balance the throat chakra

When to Practice

  • During meditation practices; focus on the throat chakra also known as Vishuddha.
  • When preparing for challenging and crucial conversations.
  • When creating expression through creativity.

Duration: 5 minutes

Best Time of Day: Evening


  • Those with hypertension or hyperthyroid conditions should monitor the effects closely and consult a healthcare provider if needed.

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Vishuddha Mudra - Gesture of Purification Jack Utermoehl Meditation.JPG

Personal Insights

In my personal practice I’ve used Vishuddha mudra as a tool in improving my non-verbal communication skills. I find it particularly helpful when I feel uncomfortable and I’m expressing anxiety or insecurity. Instead of letting these emotions control me, I focus on how to smoothly express myself.

Vishuddha mudra reminds me of an eagle’s wings spreading wide and gracefully gliding through air just as my words and expression flow from within my authentic self.

Next time you find yourself in a situation where you feel uncertain, try performing Vishuddha mudra and taking a few breaths. Bring yourself to heights far above the situation, look at it from this perspective, and know that whatever it is, this too shall pass.

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