How to Infinity Breath Meditation

How to Infinity Breath Meditation

Welcome, dear friends and fellow yogis. I love the Infinity Breath meditation. I use a variation of it as my primary meditation practice and I’m excited to share it with you today!

At the heart of yoga, beyond the physical postures and poses, is the breath - our life force, our prana. It connects us to our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, and to the vast universe around us. It roots us and allows us to soar. But often, in the hustle of our daily lives, we forget this deep connection, and our breath becomes shallow, and our connections fade.

Infinity Breath Meditation

Infinity Breath meditation is a practice that can help us restore this connection. It is a grounding and uplifting journey that begins at our very core and extends to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. And the most beautiful part? It's accessible to all, from the absolute beginner to the seasoned practitioner.

Let's embark on this journey together, with open hearts and minds, united by our shared passion for growth and transformation. Every breath we take is a step towards unleashing our inner hero. And sometimes, all it takes is a single breath to transform the ordinary into the infinite.

Infinity Breath Meditation Infinte symbol meditating with Mudra and chakrasWhat is Infinity Breath?

The Infinity Breath is a unique meditation and pranayama practice that allows us to forge a connection with ourselves and the world around us. It's a journey that begins rooted below us, to our root chakra, and extends upwards through each chakra, then outwards to the cosmos, and back again, in a continuous loop that resembles the infinity symbol.

You become a conduit between the micro and macro, it's a practice that's as grounding as it is uplifting, as calming as it is energizing, and as individual as it is universal.

The Pranayama of Infinity Breath

Infinity Breath is a form of pranayama, the yogic practice of breath control. In Sanskrit, 'prana' means life force or vital energy, and 'ayama' means control or extension. Pranayama practices, like the Infinity Breath, allow us to tap into this vital energy, control it, and channel it in ways that bring balance and vitality to our bodies and minds.

The Symbolism of the Infinity Breath

The infinity symbol, or lemniscate, is a mathematical symbol representing the concept of infinity - endlessness, limitlessness, a quantity greater than any assignable quantity. In the context of the Infinity Breath, this symbol takes on a profound meaning.

Infinity Breath Meditation Infinte symbol lemniscate

The breath, moving in an infinity loop, represents the limitless potential within us and the boundless energy of the universe around us. It signifies the continuous flow and exchange of energy, the interconnectedness of all beings and all things, the infinite cycle of life, and our own capacity for transformation and growth. 

The Infinity Breath practice allows us to physically embody this symbolism, to breathe life into these concepts and experience them in a deep, visceral way. It's a powerful reminder that we are part of something much larger than ourselves, that we are boundless, that we are infinite. It's a call to embrace our potential and the infinite possibilities that life offers us.

How to Practice Infinity Breath

The practice of Infinity Breath, like all yoga and meditation techniques, is a journey rather than a destination. It's a personal exploration, an unfolding, an opportunity to connect with your own breath, your own energy, and your own innate wisdom.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Perform the Infinity Breath Technique

  1. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, whether on a cushion, a chair, or directly on the floor. Sit tall, aligning your head, neck, and spine, and relax your shoulders away from your ears.
  1. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Notice its natural rhythm, without trying to change it. 
  1. Now, visualize roots growing from your root chakra, located at the base of your spine, deep into the earth. Feel the roots grasp onto earth, rock, and anything else you want to ground into. Feel yourself grounding, connecting, becoming one with the earth.

Infinity Breath Bija Seed Sounds for Chakras

  1. Gradually shift your attention upwards to each chakra in turn, drawing in energy, attention, and focus. As you focus on each chakra, chant its associated bija seed sound seven times, aligning your breath with the chant.

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation Root Chakra Muladhara Chakra

Root Chakra

Visualize the color Red
Chant the bija “Lam” 7 times on each exhale

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation Sacral Chakra Svadhistana Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Visualize the color Orange
Chant the bija “Vam” 7 times on each exhale

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation solar plexus chakra manipura chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Visualize the color Yellow
Chant the bija “Ram” 7 times on each exhale

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation heart chakra anahata chakra

Heart Chakra

Visualize the color Green
Chant the bija “Yam” 7 times on each exhale

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation throat chakra vishuddha chakra

Throat Chakra

Visualize the color Light Blue
Chant the bija “Hum” 7 times on each exhale

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation third eye chakra ajna chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Visualize the color Indigo
Chant the bija “Aum” 7 times on each exhale

Infinity Breath Meditation Chakra Meditation crown chakra sahasrara chakra

Crown Chakra

Visualize the color White
Silently breath 7 times
  1. When you reach your crown chakra, extend your connection outward, reaching for the cosmos. Anchor that connection to something such as the sky, sun, or stars. Feel the vastness, the infinite expanse, the boundless energy.
  1. Now begin the Infinity Breath. With each inhale, draw energy upward from the Earth, and with each exhale, draw energy down from the cosmos. Visualize your breath moving in an infinity loop through your body looping in the cosmos and earth.
  1. Continue this practice for seven breaths, or as long as feels comfortable for you.
  1. To finish, gradually release your connection with the cosmos, draw the energy down to the earth one chakra at a time, release your roots from the earth, and then draw the energy back up into your heart chakra.

Sit in quiet meditation until you feel ready to move again.

Infinity Breath Meditation Infinte symbol meditating with chakras

Infinity Breath Tips for Beginners

Start with just visualization or sound

When you first start practicing, you may find it difficult to focus on the chakra location, color, and the bija sound, you can begin with just one or two of these then gradually extend your practice.

Be patient with yourself

It might take a few tries before you can visualize the infinity loop or feel the flow of energy. That's perfectly okay. Remember, it's a practice, not a perfect.

Listen to your body

If at any point you feel dizzy or light-headed, gently come out of the practice and return to your normal breath.

Focus on the mechanics

Start with just understanding the mechanics of your meditation. Get the color right, the bija sound pronunciation down, and the location of the chakra. After some practice this comes naturally.

Possible Variations or Adaptations of the Technique

Use props

If sitting on the floor is uncomfortable, feel free to use a cushion, a cork yoga block, or even a chair. The most important thing is that you're comfortable and your spine is aligned with the root to the earth and crown to the cosmos.

Chakra Mudras

Integrate chakra mudras into your infinity breathe meditation. There is a chakra mudra for each part of the Infinity breath that can elevate your practice. Alternatively use one of the powerful mudras I talk about in another blog post.

Visualize more

Visualize more than the color of the chakra, visualize the petals or an emotional memory that represents the chakra’s highest quality.


Create a more equal inhale and exhale. The longer each breath, the deeper the meditation.

Svadhyaya: A Call to Journal Your Experience

Svadhyaya, or self-study, is an integral part of the yoga journey. It’s a process of introspection and self-awareness, which helps us to deepen our understanding of ourselves and our practice. Infinity Breath, with its blend of meditation and pranayama, presents a rich opportunity for svadhyaya.

Infinity Breath Meditation inner hero yoga journal for yoga and meditation

After practicing Infinity Breath, I encourage you to journal your experience. Write down your observations, thoughts, feelings, and any changes you notice in your body and mind. This simple act of reflection can reveal profound insights and deepen your connection to your practice.

Visualize and draw the infinity loop, the flow of energy, or any other imagery that your Infinity Breath practice evokes. These drawings can serve as a tangible representation of your inner journey and transformation.

Self-exploration through svadhyaya is a powerful tool for personal growth and the unleashing of our inner hero. So, grab your Inner Hero’s Yoga Journal, start practicing Infinity Breath, and let the self-discovery begin. Remember, every insight, every moment of awareness, brings you one step closer to your true self, your inner hero.

Infinity Breath Meditation inner hero yoga journal shop now Asivana Yoga Shop

Benefits of Infinity Breath

The Infinity Breath meditation is a transformative practice that carries a multitude of benefits for both body and mind. I’ve found it to harmonize my energy channels, promote mental clarity, and foster a deeper sense of interconnectedness within myself and with the world around me. Here are some of the key benefits you can look to experience.

Harmonizes Energy Channels

The Infinity Breath meditation helps to clear and balance the 'nadis' or energy channels, enabling a smoother flow of life force, or 'prana', throughout the body. This can lead to enhanced overall vitality and wellbeing.

Promotes Mental Clarity

By focusing on the act of breathing and visualizing the infinity loop, you bring your mind into a state of calm focus. This practice can help to reduce inner chatter and promote greater mental clarity and peace of mind.

Enhances Body Awareness

Performing the Infinity Breath meditation requires a degree of body consciousness, which can lead to improved self-awareness over time. This heightened body awareness can also lead to better posture and alignment during your yoga practice and in daily life.

Fosters a Sense of Calm and Relaxation

The rhythmic and focused nature of the Infinity Breath practice can have a calming effect on the nervous system, leading to a state of relaxation and reduced stress level

Infinity Breath Meditation Tree Roots leaves Journey

What are Bija Seed Sounds?

Bija seed sounds, often simply called bija mantras, are one-syllable sounds that, when spoken or chanted, can resonate with specific chakras. The term "bija" translates from Sanskrit to "seed", signifying the seed-like potency of these sounds to foster spiritual growth and transformation when used in meditation and chanting.

There are seven primary bija mantras, each associated with a specific chakra:

  1. Lam: Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)
  2. Vam: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana Chakra)
  3. Ram: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)
  4. Yam: Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)
  5. Ham/Hum: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)
  6. Aum/Om: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)
  7. Silence or Om: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

Each of these sounds, when chanted, is believed to activate and balance the associated chakra, helping to maintain the flow of energy throughout the body. I often use these sounds in my meditation practices as a means of enhancing focus and facilitating a deeper connection to my subtle energy body.

Read: Guide to Mantra Meditation

Infinity Breath to Unleash Your Inner Hero

The journey of yoga is a quest for self-discovery and inner transformation, a path that empowers us to unveil and embody our inner hero. And the practice of Infinity Breath fits perfectly into this journey.

As you immerse yourself in the flow of the Infinity Breath, you begin to tap into your innate power and wisdom. You open yourself to the flow of life energy, drawing strength from the earth and inspiration from the cosmos. In this process, you connect with your inner resilience, courage, and potential - the qualities of a true hero.

The Asivana Yoga logo encircled

Now it’s Your Turn to Try the Infinity Breath Meditation

In the spirit of Asivana’s core value, 'Kula' or community, I encourage you to give the Infinity Breath meditation a try. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, this practice can offer new insights and deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you.

And as you embark on this journey, remember, you are not alone. Our Asivana community is here with you, every step of the way. We invite you to share your experiences, insights, and transformations with Infinity Breath on Instagram (@AsivanaYoga) or TikTok (@AsivanaYoga).

Let's grow, learn, and transform together. After all, every breath is a step on the path of yoga, a path that leads us to our true selves, our 'inner hero'. So, breathe deeply, embrace the journey, and let your inner hero shine.



About the Author Jack Utermoehl Founder of Asivana Yoga Company
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