Kubera Mudra - Gesture of Wealth
Jack UtermoehlKubera Mudra (Gesture of Wealth)
Sanskrit Name: Kubera Mudrā - कुबेर मुद्रा
English Translation: Gesture of Wealth
Phonetic Spelling: Koo-BEH-rah Moo-Drah
Kubera mudra is named after the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity, Kubera. This powerful mudra is used to help manifest abundance, material wealth, and success in all aspects of life. By channeling specific energies from the thumb, index, and middle fingers, this mudra enhances focus, intention, and willpower, making it a popular tool for setting financial and personal goals.
Each finger in this mudra represents an essential element and aspect of manifestation:
Thumb (Fire): Represents divine willpower, driving action and intention.
Index Finger (Air): Symbolizes inspiration, vision, and mental clarity.
Middle Finger (Ether): Linked to expansion, creativity, and connection with higher consciousness.
By combining these energies, Kubera mudra strengthens determination, clears mental pathways, and aligns the practitioner with their goals, attracting wealth and abundance. Whether you're seeking financial prosperity, material success, or fulfillment in relationships, this mudra is ideal for bringing those desires into reality.

Instructions to Perform Kubera Mudra
Sit comfortably with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed.
Hand Position: Touch the tips of your thumb, index finger, and middle finger together. Curl your ring finger and little finger inward toward the palm. Hold the mudra in your lap with the palms facing upward.
Posture: Sit in sukhasana (easy pose) or padmasana (lotus pose). Alternatively, sit in a chair with your feet grounded and your back straight.
Breathing Technique: Inhale deeply through the nose, focusing on your intention of abundance. Exhale slowly, releasing any blocks to receiving abundance. Keep your mind focused on your desires as you hold the mudra.
Duration: Practice Kubera mudra for 5-10 minutes, particularly when visualizing your goals or speaking affirmations related to wealth and success.
Benefits of Kubera Mudra
Kubera mudra enhances focus, willpower, and intention, helping you attract material abundance and success.
Physical Benefits: Enhances concentration, clears mental fog, and sharpens focus.
Mental Benefits: Aligns thoughts with goals, fostering clarity and determination.
Emotional Benefits: Encourages a positive mindset, reducing stress and doubt.
Spiritual Benefits: Opens channels to higher consciousness.
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Symbolism and Meaning of Kubera Mudra
Kubera mudra channels the energies of the thumb, index, and middle fingers to create a powerful force of manifestation. The thumb (fire) represents divine willpower, while the index (air) symbolizes clarity and inspiration. The middle finger (ether) connects to expansion and creativity, creating the space for manifestation. Together, these elements bring focus, intention, and energy to your goals, attracting wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
The mudra is named after Kubera, the god of wealth, representing both material and spiritual riches. By practicing Kubera mudra, you invite the energy of wealth into your life while cultivating gratitude for abundance.
When to Practice Kubera Mudra
Kubera mudra is best practiced during meditation on specific outcomes of abundance, goals, or desires related to wealth, success, and personal growth. It can be particularly effective when used during visualization exercises or while setting intentions.
Practice in the morning to set a positive tone for the day or any time you need to refocus on your goals. A duration of 5-10 minutes is recommended, although shorter practices can still bring benefits and longer practices can be used as necessary.
Contraindications for Kubera Mudra
Kubera mudra is gentle and safe for all practitioners, with no specific contraindications.
Additional Insights on Kubera Mudra
Affirmations: "I attract abundance and prosperity into my life." / "My goals manifest with ease and grace."
Visualization: As you hold Kubera mudra, visualize golden light surrounding your fingers and spreading throughout your body, filling you with energy and confidence. Imagine this light drawing abundance and success toward you like a current, aligning you with the flow of prosperity.
Associated Chakras: Kubera mudra primarily activates Manipura (solar plexus) chakra, also known as the “city of gems” (or similar translation), enhancing personal power, and Muladhara (root) chakra, grounding you in material success and security.
Paired Asanas: Works well with seated postures like sukhasana (easy pose).
Related Pranayama: Pair with ujjayi breath (victorious breath) or alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) with Kubera mudra in your left hand and Vishnu mudra in your right hand.
Meditation Techniques: Kubera mudra is ideal for visualization meditation, where you focus on your goals and desires while channeling energy toward manifestation.
Variations and Modifications
Alternative Hand Positions: None
Adaptations for Beginners: Beginners can start by holding Kubera mudra for shorter periods, such as 2 minutes, and gradually increase the time.
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Personal Insights
Mudras are not magic, but what they are is an energetic connection and focal point.
Kubera mudra is a mudra for creating wealth whether that's in currency, relationship, material goods, or something else. I love using Kubera mudra when generating abundance in my life.
It's great when navigating the material aspects of our lives and it's kind of a fun mudra to form in the hand. Almost like you have something golden to emphasize in your speech.
Let us know your experience with Kubera mudra in the comments below.