Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga stands out as a soothing and nurturing practice focused on deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Renowned for its gentle approach, it involves holding poses for extended periods, using props to support the body fully and allow a state of complete relaxation.

The hallmark of restorative yoga is its use of various props to create a passive, supportive environment for deep relaxation. This allows practitioners to release tension both physically and mentally, setting it apart from more active yoga styles.


Emerging in the 20th century, restorative yoga was influenced by the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. It evolved as a practice to make yoga accessible and restorative, particularly for those healing from injuries or stress.

While rooted in traditional yoga, restorative yoga emphasizes the principles of healing and relaxation, aligning with the broader yogic philosophy of balancing body and mind.


The essence of restorative yoga lies in creating conditions for the body to rest deeply, using poses that are passive and supported to encourage relaxation and healing.

Common Poses: Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani), Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana), Supported Corpse Pose (Savasana)


Experience Level: Beginner-Friendly

Physical Demand: Relaxation-Focused

Mind-Body Engagement: Primarily Meditative

Adaptability: Highly Adaptable

Focus Area: Stress Relief & Relaxation


Promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances flexibility. It’s beneficial for recuperation from physical and mental strain, offering a sanctuary of calm and peace.

Similar Styles

Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga


Required: Yoga Mat, Bolster, Yoga Blanket, Eye Pillow

Nice to Have: Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap

Optional: Sandbags


'Yoga Body, Buddha Mind' by Cyndi Lee

'Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times' by Judith Hanson Lasater

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