Full Moon Meditations

Full Moon Meditations

Jack Utermoehl

Do you ever feel an unexplainable pull during the full moon? Like the tides, there's a gravitational sway that ushers in a sense of wonder and a unique energy only the full moon can deliver.

What if I told you that we could harness this energy, and channel it into a full moon meditation that propels our journey towards self-discovery and growth.

Why Full Moon Meditation?

Ever wonder why we're so fascinated by the full moon? It's more than just the luminous glow that lights up the night sky.

Just like the moon waxes and wanes, our lives are a cycle of growth and rest, and the full moon signifies a moment to pause and reflect.

A full moon meditation allows us to leverage this powerful cosmic event as a catalyst for self-exploration and inner transformation. It's a time to sit still and illuminate our deepest desires, fears, and aspirations, just as the full moon lights up the night sky.

Full Moon Meditation Journey to inner peace

The Connection Between Yoga, Meditation, and the Full Moon

Now, you might be wondering, where does yoga fit into all of this? Yoga, in its essence, is a practice of cultivating awareness, a path towards the integration of body, mind, and spirit. The full moon mirrors this journey, shining a light on our inner landscape, enabling us to see clearly what might often be obscured in our day-to-day hustle.

Our yoga practice evolves with the lunar cycle, the full moon offering a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of ourselves. We can synchronize our yoga practice with the full moon cycle by integrating full moon meditations and moon salutations that resonate with the moon's energy.

Full Moon Meditation Under the Moonlight

I remember once, staying up extra late to see the full moon rise from my balcony in Colorado. I sat in darkness, watching the stars shower their light on me. The horizon began to glow, and from behind the mountain arose the most luminous and brilliant full moon. I couldn’t help but enter a deep full moon meditation.

Full Moon Meditation

Let's begin by finding a comfortable seated position, on the floor, on a cushion, or perhaps on a chair. Make sure your spine is tall, yet relaxed. Close your eyes and start to bring your attention inward.

Become aware of your breath, feel it as it moves in and out. Now, visualize yourself under a star-spotted night sky. Find yourself in serenity, seated comfortably, and preparing to journey within. 

Full Moon Guided Meditation

As you breathe, see in your mind's eye, a full moon beginning to rise. It ascends steadily over shadowy mountain peaks and past twinkling stars. As it reaches into the sky, rising above you like a mother looking down with care and love onto her child. She pauses here. A silver orb, radiant and magnetic in the night sky.


The moon begins to beckon to you, a gravitational pull, drawing you closer. You feel a strong connection, almost like a beam of soft, silver light extending from the moon to your third eye, located between your brows.


Feel this beam of lunar light softly penetrate your third eye chakra, pass straight through, and exit through the back of your head. Solidifying the thread begins forming into a luminescent thread that connects you to the moon. You are gently tethered to the full moon.


Suddenly, your vision is filled with an array of these threads, each emerging from every point on the full moon's surface. Each thread, a straight beam of silvery light going through your third eye chakra and leaving through the back of the head.


As the threads of light beam through, notice only one thread still glows bright white as it exits, the rest have dulled, faded. These threads represent different timelines, different possibilities, and potentialities, for your life. Each thread is a path you could take, a life you could live.


Observe and watch, notice that while all threads are present, only one remains vibrant and illuminated. This is the timeline you're currently living, the path you're walking. The other threads, representing the paths not taken, remain but dulled, faded, potentialities unexplored.


Understand this, you have the power to choose. Each thread represents a choice, and you have the freedom to choose which life thread to energize, which path to follow. Take a few moments to sit with this, observing the threads of light, and feeling the power of your choice.

Full Moon Meditation Threads of moon light beaming potential timelines as threads

Closing the Full Moon Meditation

Slowly, the moon ascends higher into the sky, and the threads begin to fade from your vision until they're no longer visible. You're left under the clear night sky of sparkling stars above.

Take a moment to integrate this experience. Recognize the power within you to change any aspect of your life, to switch timelines, to weave a new thread into your life's tapestry.

Remember, the moon merely illuminates the possibilities that lie within you. The choice of which path to follow, which thread to illuminate, is yours alone. Each decision you make, every effort you put forth, propels you into a thread, a timeline. Which will you choose?

When you’re ready, begin to open your eyes. Gaze upon a star, a lit candle, or some other object as you orient yourself back into this space and time.

Every Full Moon and Its Significance

Full Moon Date
Wolf Moon January 13, 2025
Snow Moon February 12, 2025
Worm Moon March 14, 2025
Pink Moon April 12, 2025
Flower Moon May 12, 2025
Strawberry Moon June 11, 2025
Buck Moon July 10, 2025
Sturgeon Moon August 19, 2024
Harvest Moon September 17, 2024
Hunter's Moon October 17, 2024
Beaver Moon November 15, 2024
Cold Moon December 15, 2024

As we journey through the lunar cycle, each full moon offers us a chance to tune in and align our practices accordingly. Before we get into the specific full moon meditation for every moon, we must first know what each full moon is!

Full Moon Meditation Full Moon Rising over Native American Teepees

Below, I've compiled a brief description of every full moon throughout the year and the significance each one carries.

January - Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon brings a sense of fresh beginnings and renewed resolve, much like the spirit of the New Year. It's a time for setting intentions, making plans, and laying the groundwork for the year ahead.

This full moon is also known as the Old Moon.

February - Snow Moon

The Snow Moon symbolizes resilience and the ability to endure. Like the earth lying dormant under a blanket of snow, it's a time for patience and faith in the cycles of nature and life.

This full moon is also known as the Hunger Moon.

March - Worm Moon

The Worm Moon heralds the arrival of spring, symbolizing rebirth, growth, and renewal. It's a time to emerge from our inner hibernation and greet the world anew, full of potential and promise.

This full moon is also known as the Sap Moon.

April - Pink Moon

April's Pink Moon embodies joy, celebration, and the beauty of life. It's a time to delight in the blossoming of flowers, relationships, and our personal journeys.

This full moon is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, or the Fish Moon.

May - Flower Moon

The Flower Moon in May invites us to focus on abundance and gratitude. It's a time to appreciate the blessings in our lives and to cultivate a mindset of prosperity.

This full moon is also known as the Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.

June - Strawberry Moon

The Strawberry Moon brings the sweetness of summer and the joy of longer, sunnier days. It's a time to relish in the simple pleasures of life and the sweetness of our efforts.

This full moon is also known as the Rose Moon.

July - Buck Moon

July's Buck Moon carries the energy of transformation and growth, symbolized by the new antlers that bucks start to grow this time of year. It's a time to acknowledge our growth and honor our personal transformations.

This full moon is also known as the Thunder Moon or the Hay Moon.

August - Sturgeon Moon

The Sturgeon Moon invites introspection and the cultivation of wisdom. Like the ancient sturgeon fish, it's a time to delve into the depths of our being and retrieve the pearls of wisdom within.

This full moon is also known as the Red Moon because of the heat of Summer.

September - Harvest Moon

September's Harvest Moon is a symbol of fruition and gratitude. It's a time to celebrate our personal harvests, the results of the intentions we've nurtured since the beginning of the year.

This full moon is also known as the Corn Moon because it was used by farmers to continue the harvesting of corn throughout the night.

October - Hunter's Moon

October's Hunter's Moon carries the spirit of preparation and gathering of inner resources. It's a time to prepare for the closing of the year, gathering our strengths and setting our sights on the paths we wish to pursue.

This full moon is also known as the Travel Moon or the Dying Grass Moon.

November - Beaver Moon

The Beaver Moon symbolizes diligent work and preparation. Like beavers busily preparing for winter, it's a time to secure our foundations and prepare for the inward turn of the colder months.

This full moon is also known as the Frost Moon.

December - Cold Moon

Finally, December's Cold Moon carries the energy of introspection, release, and the promise of a new cycle. It's a time to let go of the old and make space for the new, aligning ourselves with the close of the year and the promise of a fresh start.

This full moon is also known as the Long Nights Moon due to the winter solstice.

January - Wolf Moon Meditation

Before we begin our wolf moon meditation, let's take a moment to settle in. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Sit cross-legged on your yoga mat, a cushion or a meditation stool. Place your hands gently on your knees, palms facing up to receive or down to ground.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. As you exhale, let go of any tensions or thoughts that might be crowding your mind. Allow yourself to simply be in this moment, fully present and open to the experience ahead.

Full Moon Meditation January Wolf Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Wolf Moon

Imagine yourself standing in a vast, snow-covered landscape, under the dark velvet sky illuminated by the radiant full moon. The snow signifies the canvas of the new year, untouched, full of potential, ready to bear the impressions of your steps. The wolf moon, bright and bold, symbolizes the primal, instinctual power that resides within you.

Feel the cold, crisp air fill your lungs as you breathe in, and as you exhale, picture a silhouetted figure of a wolf appearing by your side, strong, alert, and wise. This wolf is your guide, representing the untamed, instinctual nature within you.

Walk with the wolf under the moonlight, your steps leaving tracks in the pristine snow- the path you carve in this new cycle. You're moving with intent, led by the moon and guided by the wisdom of the wolf.

Mudra for Wolf Moon Meditation

For the wolf moon we’ll use Palli mudra which is a mudra for shelter.

To perform palli mudra, extend your fingers out then connect your thumb and ring finger, cross the index finger to the inside of the middle finger.

Palli mudra cultivates the trust of your inner guide.

Closing the Wolf Moon Full Moon Meditation

To close our wolf moon meditation, let's remember the story of the two wolves. It's said that within each of us, there are two wolves. One represents fear, anger, and doubt, while the other symbolizes love, courage, and resilience. They are in constant battle within us.

It is said that the wolf that wins is the one we feed.

As we conclude this meditation, ask yourself - which wolf will you feed this moon cycle? The power to choose lies within you.

As you open your eyes and return to your surroundings, take this wisdom with you. And let the spirit of the wolf moon guide you towards strength and resilience.

February - Snow Moon Meditation

To begin, create a space of tranquility and peace as we prepare for our snow moon meditation. Find a calm, quiet space, free from disturbances. Arrange yourself in a comfortable seated position, whether on a yoga mat, cushion, or meditation stool. Gently place your hands on your knees, with your palms facing upward or downwards.

As you softly close your eyes, let's draw in a deep, calming breath. Exhale to release any residual tension or distracting thoughts. Allow yourself to melt into this very moment, fully present and open to the journey ahead.

Full Moon Meditation February Snow Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Snow Moon

Picture yourself in the midst of a vast, tranquil winter landscape, under the enchanting light of the full moon. The ground blanketed by old and fresh snow alike signifying untouched possibilities, a fresh start ready for you to leave your unique impressions on.

As you breathe in the crisp, chilly air, visualize the snow moon radiating a soothing, silvery light. This light represents the clarity and tranquility that accompanies the snow-covered landscape. Feel the serenity and peace within you emerge from the stillness.

With each step you take in the snow, feel your body absorbing the moon's calming energy. Each footstep symbolizes a mindful action, a conscious choice, creating a unique path in the snow.

Mudra for Snow Moon Meditation

For the snow moon, we'll use Chinmaya mudra, a mudra for security and embodied knowledge.

To perform chinmaya mudra, bring your hands into a soft fist, connect the thumb and index finger together and rest the hands on your thighs or knees with palms facing down.

Chinmaya mudra will help to ground you, balance your root chakra, and cultivate a sense of security through challenging times.

Closing the Snow Moon Full Moon Meditation

As you wrap up this meditation, imagine your footprints in the snow gradually being filled, returning to its undisturbed state, reminding us of the impermanence of our actions and the importance of living in the present.

Open your eyes, returning from the snowy landscape and the full moon. As you proceed with your day, remember the serenity and clarity of the snow moon, and aim to cultivate these qualities in your daily life. As we move into the new lunar cycle, remember the path you've walked, reminding yourself to walk your path with mindfulness and peace.

March - Worm Moon Meditation

As we prepare for our worm moon meditation, let's settle in. Find a serene, peaceful spot where you won't be disturbed. Seat yourself in a comfortable position on your yoga mat or cushion. Rest your hands gently on your knees, palms facing upwards or downwards.

Close your eyes and draw in a deep, nourishing breath. As you exhale, release any tensions, worries, or thoughts that might be preoccupying your mind. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in this present moment, open and receptive to the experience that lies ahead.

Full Moon Meditation March Worm Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Worm Moon

Visualize yourself standing in a flourishing garden under the glow of the worm moon. This full moon's name comes from the earthworms that appear as the soil thaws, signaling the beginning of spring. Consider these worms as they work beneath the surface, facilitating growth and renewal.

With each inhalation, imagine the moonlight pouring down, filling you with a sense of awakening and rebirth. As you breathe out, visualize the energy seeping into the earth beneath your feet, just like the earthworms, fostering growth and transformation below the surface.

Feel yourself connected with the cycle of life that spring signifies—the sense of new beginnings, opportunities, and the promise of growth. Allow this sense of renewal to permeate your entire being, awakening every cell in your body, every corner of your mind.

Mudra for Worm Moon Meditation

For the worm moon, we'll use Brahma mudra which is a mudra for awakening energy and vitality.

To perform brahma mudra, make two soft fists with your fingers wrapping around the thumbs then bring the fists to touch with palms facing upwards.

This mudra will awaken creative energy within you as you prepare to grow into the spring season.

Closing the Worm Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we close our worm moon meditation, let's remember the humble earthworm. The earthworm plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, helping to recycle organic material and improve soil structure and fertility. It reminds us that no contribution is too small, and every action can lead to a significant transformation.

As you gently open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, consider how you can embody the spirit of the earthworm in your own life. Embrace this time of awakening and renewal, and recognize your own potential for growth and transformation. Carry this wisdom with you into the coming spring season.

April - Pink Moon Full Moon Meditation

As you gather for this pink moon meditation, find your peace and comfort. Seek out a calm, tranquil spot where you can be alone with your thoughts. Sit in a soothing posture on your yoga mat or cushion. Rest your hands softly on your knees, with your palms turned upwards or downwards.

As you gently close your eyes, draw in a full, deep breath. Upon exhaling, let go of any lingering tension or distracting thoughts from your day. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this present moment, ready and open to the journey ahead.

Full Moon Meditation April Pink Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Pink Moon

Under the celestial dome, visualize yourself standing in a vast meadow filled with wild ground phlox, these pink flowers are the reason why we call it the pink moon. Take a moment to imagine the soft pink hue of these flowers glowing under the full moon's light.

Breathe in deeply, drawing in the sweetness of the flowers, the freshness of the spring air, and the tranquility of the moonlit night. With each exhalation, allow any worries, doubts, or fears to seep out of you, leaving room for the renewing energy of springtime.

Imagine the pink petals dancing in the soft breeze, mirroring the gentleness and resilience of your spirit. Each petal represents a dream, a goal, or a desire. Watch as they dance under the pink moon, absorbing the full moon's energy and transforming it into potential.

Mudra for Pink Moon Meditation

For our Pink Moon, we'll utilize Padma mudra, known also as the lotus mudra which is a mudra for love, blossoming, and opening up.

To perform padma mudra, bring your hands together at your heart in Anjali mudra, keeping your thumbs and little fingers touching while spreading the other fingers apart like a blossoming lotus flower.

Lotus mudra symbolizes purity and transformation.

Closing the Pink Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our pink moon meditation, let's reflect on the beauty of blooming spring flowers. The flower waits patiently through the winter, preserving its energy until the conditions are right for it to bloom. And when it does, it doesn't hold back. It blooms fully, sharing its beauty with the world.

As you slowly open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, consider how you can embody the spirit of the spring bloom in your own life. Embrace the changes of the season and allow yourself to bloom fully, just like the pink flowers under the pink moon.

What are you blossoming into the world today?

May - Flower Moon Meditation

Find your center of calm and comfort. Select a serene, peaceful spot where you can truly focus on your inner self. Sit in a comfortable posture on your yoga mat or cushion perhaps in a garden or field of flowers. Rest your hands gently on your knees, palms facing upwards or downwards.

As you gently close your eyes, draw in a deep, rejuvenating breath. As you exhale, let go of any tensions, distractions, or anxieties. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment, open and receptive to the experience that's about to unfold.

Full Moon Meditation May Flower Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Flower Moon

As you sink into your meditation, picture yourself in a lush, verdant garden brimming with vibrant blossoms. Each flower is in full bloom, a testament to the fertile energy of the Flower Moon, and each petal is illuminated by the gentle, soft light of the full moon.

Allow the sweet scent of the blossoms to fill your senses as you take a deep breath in. As you exhale, imagine any negativity or anxiety you've been carrying being released, freeing space within you for new growth, just like the blossoming flowers around you.

Now, focus on a single flower that captures your attention, its petals unfurling under the full moon's gentle touch. This flower represents your inner self, coming into bloom under the nurturing energy of the flower moon. With each breath, visualize your flower blooming wider, a reflection of your potential unfolding and coming into fruition.

Under the flower moon, visualize a soft silver light descending, bathing you and the flowers around you. With each breath, you draw in the full moon's energy, allowing it to nourish your spirit, and infuse your being with its transformative power. Feel your inner flower, the representation of your deepest self, absorbing this light, thriving and blossoming further.

Mudra for Flower Moon Meditation

For our flower moon, we'll practice Vittam mudra which is a mudra for the free flow of vital energy.

To perform vittam mudra, bring your hands in front of your sacral chakra, palms facing each other about a foot apart then cup the hands slightly. As you inhale and exhale feel the natural ebb and flow of the body as the hands separate and come back towards each other with each breath.

Vittam mudra will help you awaken vitality and feel the free flow of energy.

Closing the Flower Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our flower moon meditation, let's reflect on the journey of the flower from seed to bloom. It's a testament to the resilience and beauty of life, and a reminder that each of us has the potential to bloom in our own unique way.

As you slowly open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, consider how you can embody the spirit of the spring bloom in your own life. Embrace the full bloom of life, savor each moment, and share your unique beauty with the world.

It’s your time to shine, stardust.

June - Strawberry Moon Meditation

Find your place of peace and tranquility. Choose a calm, serene spot where you can be at one with your thoughts perhaps in a garden or greenhouse! Settle into a comfortable posture on your yoga mat or cushion. Rest your hands lightly on your knees, palms turned upwards or downwards.

As you softly close your eyes, draw in a deep, nourishing breath. Upon exhaling, let go of any residual tensions or distractions. Allow yourself to fully inhabit this moment, open and ready for the journey ahead.

Full Moon Meditation June Strawberry Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Strawberry Moon

As you find yourself drawing inwards, bring to mind the image of a lush, sun-kissed strawberry field. Visualize the ripe, red strawberries glistening in the moon's soft silvery light. Take a moment to appreciate their beauty, their fullness, their vibrancy.

Breathe deeply, and with every exhale, imagine yourself moving closer to this field, feeling the cool touch of the dew-soaked grass on your bare feet. (short pause)

As you stand on the edge of this field, look up at the Strawberry Full Moon hanging low and luminous in the night sky. Feel its gentle energy cascading down upon you, washing you with a sense of peace and tranquility. It bathes everything in its warm glow, symbolizing the abundance and sweetness of life.

Now, reach out and pick a plump strawberry from its vine. Feel its cool, smooth surface against your skin. Bring it close and breathe in its sweet, tangy aroma. This strawberry symbolizes the fruits of your labor, the manifestation of your efforts and intentions.

Take a bite. As its sweetness floods your senses, let it remind you of life's simple pleasures and the joy of living in the present moment.

With each breath, let the energy of the Strawberry Moon guide you into a deeper understanding of abundance - not just material wealth, but abundance in love, peace, health, and joy.

Mudra for Strawberry Moon Meditation

For the strawberry moon, we'll use Chaturmukham mudra which is a mudra for joy or contentment.

To perform the chaturmukham mudra, bring your hands out in front of you near your solar plexus, connect the tips of your fingers together and keep the thumbs separate, now form an ‘orb’ in the middle of your hands like you’re holding onto the full moon.

Chaturmukham mudra brings you the joy and contentment that comes from having abundance.

Closing the Strawberry Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our Strawberry Moon Meditation, reflect on the journey of the strawberry from seed to fruit. It's a testament to patience and the abundant rewards that come from it.

As you slowly open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, consider how you can embody the spirit of the ripening strawberry in your own life. Embrace the abundance around you, savor the sweet rewards of your hard work, and share your bounty with others.

July - Buck Moon Meditation

Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, and close your eyes. Take a moment to connect with your breath. Feel it flow in and out of your body, calming your mind and relaxing your muscles. Imagine a protective energy cocoon around you, preparing you for a journey under the buck moon.

Full Moon Meditation July Buck Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Buck Moon

Picture yourself standing on a tranquil hilltop under the gentle glow of the full moon. Below you, a dense forest spreads out, its shadowy depths filled with the sounds of nocturnal life. Above, the full moon hangs large and radiant, its light painting the world in soft hues of silver and blue. The buck moon is in its full glory, casting a strong, steady glow over the landscape.

In the distance, a magnificent buck emerges from the forest's edge. Its antlers are tall and powerful, a new growth replacing the ones shed in the previous year. The buck stands poised and alert, embodying strength, agility, and resilience. It symbolizes your own strength, your ability to adapt, and your readiness to embrace new growth.

Now, imagine that you are the buck, standing proud under the full moon's illumination. Feel the weight of your antlers, the signs of your growth and progress over the past year. Each point is an achievement, a challenge overcome, a lesson learned. Take a moment to appreciate your growth, your resilience, and your strength.

Next, visualize your path ahead. It leads back into the forest, into the unknown, just as the future is unknown. But with the buck moon's glow to guide you and your inner strength, you are ready to face whatever lies ahead. You are equipped to navigate, to adapt, to grow. Feel the confidence surge within you.

Mudra for Buck Moon Meditation

For the Buck Moon, we'll use Shunya mudra which is a mudra for transformation.

To perform the shunya mudra, extend your fingers out, fold the middle finger in touching the base of the thumb then clasp the thumb over it. Keep the other fingers softly extended.

By using this mudra, you will open yourself up to transformation.

Closing the Buck Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our buck moon meditation, let's reflect on the journey of the buck, a symbol of strength, resilience, and protection.

As you slowly open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, consider how you can embody the spirit of the buck in your own life. Embrace your own strength, face your challenges with courage, and stand tall amidst life's uncertainties.

August - Sturgeon Moon Meditation

Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lay down. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Feel it flow in and out, bringing calmness to your mind and relaxation to your body. Envision a shell of protective energy surrounding you, preparing you for the journey with the Sturgeon Moon.

Full Moon Meditation August Sturgeon Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Sturgeon Full Moon

Picture yourself on the tranquil bank of a vast, serene lake. The surface of the water is a mirror, reflecting the luminescent full sturgeon moon. This full moon, named after the great fish of the Great Lakes, is in its complete glory, pouring an intense, nurturing light over the water and surrounding land.

As you look upon the water, a large, majestic sturgeon breaches the surface. It is powerful, ancient, and wise – a symbol of resilience, determination, and abundance. It thrives in the deep, mysterious waters, adapting to changing currents and navigating through challenges with grace and tenacity.

Now, let your mind embody the sturgeon under the nurturing light of the full moon. Feel the strength in your core, the resilience in your spirit, and the wisdom in your heart. Each scale on the sturgeon's body represents a challenge you've faced and overcome, building your strength and wisdom.

The water- the flow of life, sometimes calm, sometimes tumultuous. However, like the sturgeon, you are capable of navigating these waters, no matter how rough they get. You have the ability to dive deep into the depths of challenges, find solutions, and rise back to the surface, stronger and wiser.

Mudra for Sturgeon Moon Meditation

For the Sturgeon Moon, we'll use uttara bodhi mudra which is a mudra for self-mastery or highest wisdom.

To perform the uttara bodhi mudra, interlace your fingers together, unlace and connect the tips of the index fingers and thumbs, then extend those fingers forming a diamond shape between the index fingers and thumbs, let the rest of your fingers softly remain laced and form around an ‘orb’. Place the Uttara Bodhi mudra at your heart center.

Closing the Sturgeon Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our Sturgeon Moon Meditation, reflect on the journey of the sturgeon, a creature of resilience and endurance.

As you slowly open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, consider how you can embody the spirit of the sturgeon in your life. Embrace your own strength, navigate your path with determination, and remember that, like the sturgeon, you have the ability to endure and thrive.

September - Harvest Moon Meditation

To begin this journey, find a tranquil space where you won't be disturbed. Get comfortable, either sitting or lying down, whichever you prefer. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel the rhythm of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. Each breath brings you deeper into a state of calm and relaxation.

Full Moon Meditation September Harvest Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon

Picture yourself in a vast, thriving field under the gentle glow of the harvest moon. The air is cool and crisp, carrying the rich scent of ripe grain ready for harvest. The full moon illuminates the golden stalks, casting a warm, inviting glow over the entire field. This is a moon of abundance, celebrating the bountiful yield of hard work and patience.

Find yourself in this field. Each grain stalk symbolizes a dream, a goal, or an endeavor you have nurtured. The harvest moon is the perfect time to reap the rewards of your dedication, hard work, and patience, much like a farmer harvests their crops at the end of the season.

Now, envision yourself harvesting these golden grains under the warm light of the full moon. As you do so, remember each step, each struggle, and each success that has led you to this bountiful harvest. The satisfaction of harvesting the fruits of your labor is a feeling of fulfillment and joy that brings a deep sense of gratitude.

As you stand there, surrounded by abundance, take a moment to appreciate your resilience, your persistence, and your hard work. Let the energy of the harvest moon envelop you, empowering you with a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and gratitude.

Mudra for Harvest Moon Meditation

For the Harvest Moon, we'll use ratna prabha mudra which is a mudra for vitality that the harvest delivers.

To perform ratna prabha mudra, interlace the fingers and cross your thumbs (right on top, then release the index and middle finger extending them forward, bring your hands to rest at the solar plexus otherwise known as Manipura chakra which is Sanskrit for ‘city of jewels’ which represent our personal vitality.

Closing the Harvest Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our Harvest Moon Meditation, let's reflect on the symbol of the harvest, a time of bounty and gratitude.

As you gently open your eyes and reconnect with your surroundings, think about how you can embody the spirit of the harvest in your life. Embrace your own abundance, appreciate the rewards of your efforts, and remember to express gratitude for life's blessings.

Read: 108 Yoga Themes for Fall

October - Hunter's Moon Meditation

First, find a serene space where you will be undisturbed. Settle into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and turn your focus inward, observing the ebb and flow of your breath. As your body relaxes, let your mind clear, preparing to embark on this internal journey.

Full Moon Meditation October Hunter Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Hunter's Full Moon

Begin by envisioning yourself in a lush, tranquil forest bathed in the silvery light of the full moon. The forest is teeming with life, and you can hear the rustle of leaves and the hoot of an owl in the distance. The hunter's moon is a beacon in the night sky, illuminating your path, just as it guided the hunters of old during their nocturnal pursuits.

You're not here hunting for food, but rather for clarity, purpose, and wisdom. See yourself in this expansive forest of life, seeking insights and truths that have so far remained elusive. Each tree, each leaf, each breath of wind carries a potential lesson, a potential revelation.

Now, picture the forest as a metaphor for your subconscious mind, each tree representing a thought, an emotion, or a memory. The hunter's moon illuminates these hidden aspects of your mind, offering you a chance to explore, acknowledge, and understand them.

As you wander deeper into the forest, consider each step a step deeper into self-discovery. The hunter's moon, with its penetrating light, is guiding you on this journey, enabling you to see things that usually remain hidden in the dark. Embrace the revelations and newfound understanding that this journey under the full moon brings.

Mudra for Hunter's Moon Meditation

For our Hunter's Moon meditation, we'll use Bhairava mudra which is a mudra for experiencing unity. 

To perform Bhairava mudra, place your left hand in your lap palm up and rest your right hand on top of the left with palm facing up. The tips of your thumbs can rest connected or not. 

This mudra will bring you into unity with the natural world just as the owl, wolf, and jaguar are in union as hunters amongst a balanced cycle of life and death.

Closing the Hunter's Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we bring our Hunter's Moon meditation to a close, let's take a moment to reflect on the lessons of the hunter - patience, determination, and focus.

As you open your eyes, hold on to the energy you've gathered during this meditation. Just like the hunter, may you seek your goals with a steady focus and determination, no matter the challenges that lie ahead.

November - Beaver Moon Meditation

Find your quiet haven where the outside world can't interrupt your peace. Choose a position that allows your body to feel grounded and relaxed. As you gently close your eyes, let your breathing become the center of your attention, a rhythmic lullaby coaxing your mind into tranquility.

Full Moon Meditation November Beaver Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Beaver Full Moon

Visualize yourself standing on the bank of a serene and shimmering river, bathed in the ethereal light of the Beaver Moon. This moon phase is named after the beaver, the industrious creature known for diligently preparing for winter by mending its dam under the November full moon.

Let the beaver's dedication to its work inspire you. Its dam, seemingly simple, is a profound symbol of resilience, protection, and foresight. Now, picture yourself not just standing at the bank of the river but standing at the river of your life. The dam signifies the fortitude and resources we create to manage the ebb and flow of our existence.

Now, diving deeper into this metaphor. Each log, each stick, each stone within the dam represents a resource you have – be it a skill, a cherished relationship, a personal trait, or a treasured experience. The dam, your resource bank, isn't built overnight, nor is it built once and forgotten. It's the result of continuous work, the constant gathering and arranging of these aspects of your life and making adjustments as the river of life changes its course.

Finally, let the beaver moon cast its soft light on the aspects you may have overlooked or taken for granted, revealing their potential to strengthen your dam. Bask in the warmth of recognition, gratitude, and newfound respect for these hidden gems.

Mudra for Beaver Moon Meditation

For the Beaver Moon meditation, we’ll use Kubera mudra which is a mudra for conservation of energy as we make final preparations for the winter season. 

To perform Kubera mudra, fold your little and ring finger in to touch the base of the palm while the index finger, middle finger, and thumb all connect at the tips. 

This mudra will help you see clearly what is an unnecessary use of energy, what energy you do have, and where to put that energy.

Closing the Beaver Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our Beaver Moon meditation, let's carry forward the lessons from the industrious beaver – the power of diligent work, planning, and the energy of perseverance.

As you open your eyes, remember to embrace these qualities in your everyday life. Just like the beaver, may you work tirelessly towards your goals and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

December - Cold Moon Meditation

Select a calm and comfortable spot, free from distractions. Arrange your body into a relaxed, supported position – whether seated or lying down, choose what feels right for you. Close your eyes gently, and let your focus drift towards your breath, your personal rhythm, a symphony of life within you.

Full Moon Meditation December Cold Moon Meditation

Guided Full Moon Meditation for the Cold Full Moon

In the canvas of your mind, paint a vivid picture of a winter night, under the soft glow of the full moon. The Cold Moon, a poetic symbol of December, is the arrival of winter, a time for introspection, healing, and rest.

As you stand under this full moon, imagine the chilling breeze as the year's residual worries, shedding from your existence with every gust. The bare trees around you are silent testimony to nature's cyclical journey of growth, shedding, rest, and renewal.

Now, turn your inner gaze towards your own cyclical journey throughout the year. Reflect on the phases of growth, moments when you blossomed, times you had to shed parts of yourself, and periods of rest. Acknowledge them without judgment. They are a part of your natural rhythm, your personal seasons that shape your being.

Next, envelop yourself in the winter snow. Each snowflake, a geometric formation of uniqueness and transience, mirroring our thoughts and experiences. In the silent dance of the falling snow, find your thoughts and experiences being acknowledged, embraced, and then gently released.

Mudra for Cold Moon Meditation

For the Cold Moon meditation, we’ll use Adhi mudra which is a mudra for stillness like the stillness of winter cold.

To perform Adhi mudra, tuck your thumbs into your palms and wrap your fingers around the thumb, then turn your hands palm down and rest your hands on your knees or lap. Find stillness in your pose and be here.

Closing the Cold Moon Full Moon Meditation

As we conclude our Cold Moon meditation, let's take a moment to appreciate the calmness and tranquility we've invited into our lives today.

As you open your eyes, remember this feeling of serenity. Just as nature embraces the peace of winter, so too can we welcome stillness and tranquility into our lives.

Blue Moon Meditation

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be interrupted. Sit or lie down in a position that supports relaxation and tranquility. Close your eyes gently, and take a deep, full breath in... and out... allowing your body to unwind and your mind to calm.

Full Moon Meditation Blue Moon Meditation

Blue Moon Guided Meditation

Imagine a clear night sky, vast and open. A luminous, full moon rises, but unlike any other - this moon gleams with an ethereal, blue glow. A blue moon is a rare and special opportunity.

With each breath in, draw the potent energy of the blue moon towards you. Let its luminescent blue light fill your body, from your toes to the crown of your head. Feel the strength of its rarity infusing your being.

With every breath out, release any self-doubt or fears that hold you back. As the blue light illuminates you, let it cast light on your limitations and doubts, allowing them to dissolve into insignificance.

Mudra for the Blue Moon

For the blue moon meditation we'll use Hridaya mudra which is a mudra for seeking refuge.

To perform Hridaya mudra place your open right hand over your heart and your open left hand over the right hand.

Breath and feel your heart taking refuge, protected by your hands and energy.

Closing the Blue Moon Meditation

Take a moment to sit with the energy of the blue moon, acknowledging its light. Like the blue moon, remember that you are unique, that your journey is yours alone and is as rare and as radiant as this celestial event.

When you're ready, take one last, deep breath, absorbing the remaining essence of the blue moon. As you exhale, slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings, opening your eyes gently, carrying the powerful energy of the full moon with you.

How to Integrate Full Moon Meditation into Your Yoga Classes

Let’s look at how you can integrate these full moon meditations into your yoga classes.

Full Moon Meditation integrating full moon meditation into yoga classes for yoga teachers

Using a Lunar Theme for Yoga Class

Each time a full moon approaches, consider orienting your classes around the energy that specific moon represents or at least around the general high energy vibe of a full moon. This could mean creating sequences that embody the themes of release during the cold moon or stability during the beaver moon.

Integrating Moon Salutations

Moon Salutations, known as Chandra Namaskar, are a perfect way to honor the moon's energy in your class. Unlike Sun Salutations, which are energetic and heating, Moon Salutations are flowing and rejuvenating, perfect for inviting balance and calm.

Savasana Full Moon Meditation

During savasana, guide your students through the full moon meditation for that month. This meditation, accompanied by the corresponding mudra, can be a beautiful closing that ties together all elements of the practice.

Encouraging Reflection and Sharing

Finally, create a space for your students to share their experiences and reflections. The full moon is a potent time for introspection and expression. By facilitating a sharing circle or ceremony, you're providing a safe space for your students to articulate and process their feelings and insights.

Lunar Mudras for Full Moon Meditation

Whenever we sit down for meditation, we are embarking on a journey. This journey is more than just one of self-exploration, it's about connecting with the universe around us.

And the thing about journeys is, they're always easier when we have a direction. In the context of a full moon meditation, mudras serve as that direction, guiding us through the energy pathways of our body.

Full Moon Meditation integrating Lunar Mudras into full moon meditation practice

Lunar Mudras – More Than Just Hand Gestures

Now, if you're new to the concept, you might be wondering, "What exactly is a mudra?" It's a fair question, and one that I had too when I first started my yoga journey. Mudras are yoga hand symbols used in yoga and meditation to channel your body's energy flow known as the prana vayus.

But there's a whole lot more to mudras than just folding your fingers in a particular pattern. Think of mudras as a language - a way to communicate with your body and mind. When you form a specific mudra, you're sending a message to your brain, influencing your emotions and focus.

I’ve written extensively about powerful yoga mudras, mudras for healing, and even have a list of yoga mudras!

The Connection between the Moon and Mudras

So, where does the full moon fit into all of this? Well, in yoga, the moon symbolizes cool, calming energy - the perfect antidote to our often chaotic lives. By practicing lunar mudras during a full moon meditation, we tap into this soothing lunar energy, bringing a sense of tranquility and peace into our practice.

Full Moon Meditation Red Moon Rising in the Sky for Yoga Meditation

Reflecting on Our Full Moon Meditations

Here we are at the end of our journey, a journey through each full moon of the year, each with its unique energy and lessons. And in this process, we have explored not just the world outside, but also the universe within us.

Embracing Lunar Rhythms

One of the most important things I've learned on this journey is that yoga isn't about striving for perfection; it's about rhythm, about aligning ourselves with the universe's natural rhythms - the ebb and flow of the tide, the change of seasons, and of course, the phases of the moon. When we align ourselves with these rhythms, we become a part of the larger cosmic dance, achieving harmony not just within ourselves, but with the world around us.

The Journey Continues

As you conclude your full moon meditations and reflections, remember that although your journey of self-discovery and growth continues. Every full moon brings with it another opportunity to meditate, reflect, and grow. And I, for one, can't wait to see where future full moon meditations will take me.

About the Author Jack Utermoehl Yoga Teacher and Founder of Asivana Yoga Company
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