Yoga Quotes From Master Yogis

Yoga Quotes From Master Yogis

Jack Utermoehl

Yoga is more than just a physical practice—it’s a philosophy and way of life rooted in ancient wisdom. Throughout history, the teachings of yoga have been passed down through words that inspire, instruct, and transform.

From the insight of sage philosophers to the modern-day gurus who share their light, these masters have left us with timeless quotes that capture the essence of yoga’s deeper purpose.

In this collection, we explore the profound thoughts and wisdom of 26 influential figures in the yoga world, each offering a glimpse into the spiritual, mental, and physical dimensions of yoga. Let these quotes serve as a guide to deepen your own practice and understanding of the path or use them in your next yoga class, or to share on social media with your followers.

BKS Iyengar

B.K.S. Iyengar

B.K.S. Iyengar (1918–2014) was the founder of Iyengar yoga, known for its emphasis on alignment and precision in asanas. He popularized yoga globally and authored the seminal book Light on Yoga. Iyengar’s approach involves the use of yoga props to aid in safe and effective practice.

B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes

"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." (Light on Yoga)

"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit." (Lecture, London 1990)

"The study of asana is not about mastering posture. It’s about using posture to understand and transform yourself." (Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health)

"Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in the present." (Interview, 2002)

"Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within." (The Tree of Yoga)

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Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda (1887–1963) was a physician turned spiritual leader and founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India. He authored more than 200 books on yoga and spirituality, making profound teachings accessible.

Swami Sivananda Quotes

"A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water." (Bliss Divine)

"Adapt, adjust, accommodate. Bear insult, bear injury—this is the highest sadhana." (The Essence of Yoga)

"Be good. Do good. Be kind. Be compassionate." (Sivananda’s Way)

"Meditate and realize the Self." (Self-Realization Through Yoga)

"Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realize." (The Practice of Karma Yoga)

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Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

  1. Krishnamacharya (1888–1989) is often called the “Father of Modern Yoga.” He revived hatha yoga in the early 20th century, training many students who went on to become prominent teachers, including B.K.S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, and T.K.V. Desikachar.

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Quotes

"Yoga is the process of replacing old patterns with new and more appropriate patterns." (Interview, 1980)

"Breath is central to yoga because it is central to life." (Health, Healing, and Beyond)

"When the breath is controlled, the mind becomes calm." (Lecture, 1976)

"The full practice of yoga is to bring us back to our true self." (Personal letters)

"Teach what is inside you, not as it applies to you, to yourself, but as it applies to the other." (Yoga Makaranda)

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T.K.V. Desikachar

T.K.V. Desikachar (1938–2016) was the son and student of T. Krishnamacharya, known for adapting yoga to the individual rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. He founded the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai to promote therapeutic yoga.

T.K.V. Desikachar Quotes

"The very heart of yoga practice is ‘abyhasa’—steady effort in the direction you want to go." (The Heart of Yoga)

"Yoga serves the individual, and does so according to the individual’s needs." (The Heart of Yoga)

"It is not that you are good at something; it is that something good is within you." (Lecture, 1988)

"Yoga is not about what you do, but how it is done." (Workshop, 2004)

"If you want to learn something well, teach it." (Personal notes, student recollection)

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Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda (1893–1952) was a pioneer in bringing yoga to the West through his book Autobiography of a Yogi. He founded the Self-Realization Fellowship in California and introduced the practice of kriya yoga as a spiritual discipline.

Paramahansa Yogananda Quotes

"The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success." (Autobiography of a Yogi)

"Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world." (The Law of Success)

"Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts." (Divine Romance)

"To meditate a short time with depth is better than to meditate for long hours with the mind running wild." (Journey to Self-Realization)

"You may control a mad elephant; you may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger; ride a lion; play with the cobra; but you cannot control the mind." (Whispers from Eternity)

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Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902) was a key figure in introducing Vedanta and yoga to the West. He was a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and founded the Ramakrishna Mission. He spoke at the 1893 Parliament of Religions, Chicago, where his ideas became widely known.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea." (Inspired Talks)

"The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature." (1893 Parliament of Religions Speech)

"Arise! Awake! And stop not until the goal is reached." (Lecture, Calcutta 1897)

"All power is within you; you can do anything and everything." (Lectures from Colombo to Almora)

"You have to grow from the inside out." (Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda)

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Nisargadatta Maharaj

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897–1981) was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of the non-dualistic tradition of Advaita Vedanta. He is most famous for his book I Am That, which is a compilation of conversations that distill his teachings on self-inquiry and the nature of reality. His approach was direct and uncompromising, guiding seekers to question their sense of self and to recognize their true nature as pure awareness.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes

"The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love." (I Am That)

"Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows." (I Am That)

"The sense of ‘I am’ is the manifestation of a deeper cause, which you may call Self, God, Reality, or by any other name." (Consciousness and the Absolute)

"To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not." (I Am That)

"When I see I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I see I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life flows." (I Am That)

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Swami Rama

Swami Rama (1925–1996) was a yogi and spiritual leader known for his scientific research on the mind-body connection. He demonstrated advanced yogic abilities, such as voluntarily controlling his heart rate and body temperature, which caught the attention of Western scientists.

Swami Rama Quotes

"Do not worry about the past or the future; live in the eternal present." (The Art of Joyful Living)

"Every human being wants to experience happiness, but rarely does one reach the state of perfect happiness." (Living with the Himalayan Masters)

"Freedom is not an idea; it is not a philosophy; it is the experience of the Reality within." (Path of Fire and Light)

"Meditation is the art of knowing how to focus your mind." (Meditation and Its Practice)

"There is a force within that gives you life—seek that." (Sacred Journey: Living Purposefully and Dying Gracefully)

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Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (1957–Present) is an Indian yogi and founder of the Isha Foundation, known for his engaging talks on spirituality and yoga. He emphasizes inner engineering as a way to achieve personal transformation.

Sadhguru Quotes

"The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it." (Inner Engineering)

"Yoga is not about being superhuman; it is about realizing that being human is super." (Talk, 2010)

"Responsibility is not a burden, it’s the ability to respond." (Isha Lecture Series, 2011)

"Meditation means to touch the deepest part of yourself and to look beyond the limitations of your own mind." (Mystic’s Musings)

"If you resist change, you resist life." (Death: An Inside Story)

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Indra Devi

Indra Devi (1899–2002) was one of the first Western women to study yoga under Krishnamacharya. She helped bring yoga to the United States in the 1940s, teaching Hollywood stars and writing several influential books.

Indra Devi Quotes

"Let your practice be a celebration of life." (Forever Young, Forever Healthy)

"Yoga is a way to freedom, and its practice frees you from fear." (Yoga for You)

"When you are calm, quiet, and in control, you are more beautiful." (Yoga and You)

"The key to a happy, healthy life is a flexible spine." (Interview, 1976)

"Yoga is not a religion; it is a science of well-being, youthfulness, and mental clarity." (Talk, 1980)

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Satyananda Saraswati

Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Satyananda Saraswati (1923–2009) was a disciple of Sivananda and the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. He created a comprehensive system of yoga that includes asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques.

Satyananda Saraswati Quotes

"Yoga is not a therapy; it is a way of life." (Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha)

"Awareness is the greatest agent for change." (Yoga Nidra)

"The purpose of life is to express and experience the highest possible vibration of love." (Kundalini Tantra)

"Yoga is the science of right living and, as such, is intended to be incorporated in daily life." (Four Chapters on Freedom)

"No one is higher, no one is lower. All are one." (Bihar School Lecture, 1972)

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Swami Venkatesananda

Swami Venkatesananda (1921–1982) was a direct disciple of Swami Sivananda and a proponent of Vedanta and classical yoga. He traveled extensively to share his teachings and wrote several books that simplify complex yoga philosophy.

Swami Venkatesananda Quotes

"Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication in spirituality." (Venkatesa Gita)

"Yoga is the journey from the complexity of the mind to the simplicity of the heart." (The Conquest of Mind)

"The essence of yoga is balance and harmony." (Lecture, 1978)

"The greatest wealth is contentment." (The Supreme Yoga)

"The purpose of life is to experience unconditional love." (The Vision of God)

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Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi (1879–1950) was an Indian sage renowned for his teachings on self-inquiry as the direct path to self-realization. He advocated the practice of asking the question, “Who am I?” to transcend the ego and realize one’s true nature.

Ramana Maharshi Quotes

"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world." (Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi)

"There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth." (Be As You Are)

"Happiness is your very nature. It is not wrong to desire it." (Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi)

"The mind is a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts have their root in the ‘I’-thought." (Who Am I?)

"Meditation is your true nature." (Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi)

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Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)

Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)

Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma (1953–Present), is an Indian spiritual leader and humanitarian known for her worldwide charitable works. Often called the “hugging saint,” she is famous for her practice of giving darshan (a blessing through hugging) to millions of people.

Amma Quotes

"Compassion is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see." (Awaken Children)

"Real happiness is not found in external objects; it is within." (Public Discourse, 2002)

"The mind is like a clear mirror; it reflects everything clearly but is easily covered by dust." (Amma’s Heart)

"If you take one step towards God, God will take ten steps towards you." (Awaken Children)

"Love is the center, the essence of all spiritual paths." (From Amma, With Love)

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Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami (1950–Present) is a spiritual teacher in the bhakti yoga tradition and a disciple of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He is the author of The Journey Home, an autobiography detailing his spiritual journey.

Radhanath Swami Quotes

"The heart is a place of wonder and mystery, open it and the whole universe is revealed." (The Journey Home)

"Spirituality is about transforming oneself to see the divine in everything." (The Journey Within)

"When the mind is calm, the world is calm." (Lecture, 2013)

"Humility means to understand your smallness in the greatness of the universe." (The Journey Within)

"Love is not a feeling; it’s an action." (The Journey Home)

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Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950) was a philosopher, yogi, and poet who integrated yoga with political activism during India’s struggle for independence. He later founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and developed integral yoga, emphasizing the evolution of human consciousness.

Sri Aurobindo Quotes

"All life is yoga." (The Synthesis of Yoga)

"True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become." (Essays on the Gita)

"The practice of yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being." (The Life Divine)

"To be free from the bondage of ignorance is the greatest liberation." (Letters on Yoga)

"One is never lost when one is on the path to one’s true self." (The Synthesis of Yoga)

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Mirra Alfassa (The Mother)

Mirra Alfassa (1878–1973), known as The Mother, was a spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo and co-founder of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Her teachings focus on integrating spiritual and practical aspects of life, aiming for the complete transformation of human nature.

Mirra Alfassa Quotes

"What you need you will get, provided you remain sincere." (The Mother’s Agenda)

"The Divine is present in every situation." (Ashram Letters, 1954)

"One must be stronger than one’s moods and emotions." (Prayers and Meditations)

"To surrender is to offer all that you are to the Divine, to let it guide you." (The Mother’s Collected Works)

"The path is long, but self-discovery is the greatest reward." (The Mother’s Collected Works)

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Prashant Iyengar

Prashant Iyengar is the son of B.K.S. Iyengar and a senior teacher at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute. He is known for his philosophical and anatomical approach to teaching yoga, integrating body, mind, and breath in unique ways.

Prashant Iyengar Quotes

"Yoga is about finding that quiet space within and using it as a foundation for your practice." (Workshop, 2010)

"Breath is the bridge between the outer and the inner." (Art of Yoga)

"Asana is not a performance but an exploration." (Yoga Rahasya)

"The essence of yoga lies in the subtleties, not in the postures themselves." (Class Notes, 2012)

"Let your practice reveal your true self." (Yoga Makaranda Part II)

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Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young, 1954–Present) is a spiritual teacher of Jamaican descent known for his teachings in Advaita Vedanta. His approach combines inquiry-based self-realization and non-dual awareness.

Mooji Quotes

"Don’t try to use your mind to get rid of your mind. That will be impossible." (Lecture, 2009)

"You don’t need to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you." (Before I Am)

"When you realize the Truth, the illusion of the separate self vanishes." (Satsang, 2010)

"If you could look deep within yourself, you would see a place of eternal peace." (White Fire)

"Stop making an effort to be free; let go of what binds you." (The Mala of God)

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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (1956–Present) is the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to stress-relief and social initiatives. He developed the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique, which has helped millions worldwide.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes

"The more you know about yourself, the more clarity there is." (Art of Living Workshop, 1996)

"Faith is realizing that you always get what you need." (Celebrating Silence)

"Make your smile cheaper and your anger more expensive." (The Art of Living)

"In yoga, we do not look for new ideas; we discover the old." (Interview, 2005)

"Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening." (Secrets of Meditation)

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S.N. Goenka

S.N. Goenka (1924–2013) was a Burmese-Indian teacher of Vipassana meditation. He popularized Vipassana through a non-sectarian approach and established meditation centers worldwide. His courses are known for the “10-day silent meditation retreat” format.

S.N. Goenka Quotes

"Meditation is the art of observing reality as it is, not as you want it to be." (Vipassana Course Guide)

"Nothing can give you peace except your own mind." (Art of Living)

"The more you accept, the less you suffer." (Vipassana Meditation)

"Everything is changing; this is the only permanent law." (The Discourse Summaries)

"Liberation is not for the lucky few; it is for anyone who is willing to strive for it." (Meditation Retreat Lecture)

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Swami Satchidananda

Swami Satchidananda

Swami Satchidananda (1914–2002) was a disciple of Sivananda and the founder of integral yoga, which incorporates physical, mental, and spiritual practices. He gained international recognition for his address at the Woodstock Festival in 1969.

Swami Satchidananda Quotes

"Truth is one, paths are many." (To Know Yourself)

"Serve all, love all, hate none." (The Living Gita)

"The goal of life is to be completely peaceful. Peace comes from within." (Beyond Words)

"When the flower blooms, the bees will come." (To Know Yourself)

"Yoga is a universal language that brings peace to body, mind, and soul." (The Golden Present)

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Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986) was a philosopher and speaker known for his teachings on self-inquiry and freedom from psychological conditioning. He emphasized direct perception without dependence on any authority or guru.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." (Freedom from the Known)

"Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end." (The Book of Life)

"The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgment." (The First and Last Freedom)

"Truth is a pathless land." (Speech, 1929)

"The observer is the observed." (Commentaries on Living)

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Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh (1926–2022) was a Vietnamese Zen master, poet, and peace activist. He introduced mindfulness to the West and founded the Plum Village tradition, promoting peace and non-violence.

Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes

"Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile." (Peace Is Every Step)

"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet." (The Miracle of Mindfulness)

"There is no way to happiness—happiness is the way." (The Art of Living)

"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky." (Anger)

"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it." (Peace Is Every Step)

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Eknath Easwaran

Eknath Easwaran (1910–1999) was a spiritual teacher, writer, and translator of Indian scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. He developed the Eight-Point Program of Passage Meditation.

Eknath Easwaran Quotes

"Meditation is a way of meeting yourself." (Passage Meditation)

"The mind is restless; the goal is to bring it to one-pointedness." (Conquest of Mind)

"Live simply, love generously, speak truthfully." (The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living)

"Your real wealth is your ability to understand life deeply." (Words to Live By)

"The key to success is self-discipline." (The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living)

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Swami Chidananda Saraswati

Swami Chidananda Saraswati

Swami Chidananda Saraswati (1916–2008) was the president of the Divine Life Society, succeeding Swami Sivananda. He was known for his simplicity, selfless service, and deep understanding of Vedanta.

Swami Chidananda Saraswati Quotes

"The best way to be happy is to make others happy." (The Light of Sivananda)

"Meditation is the art of discovering inner silence." (Light on Meditation)

"Kindness is the language of the heart." (Public Lecture, 1978)

"When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited." (Sivananda’s Teachings)

"To know your true self is to be truly free." (Vedanta and Yoga)

Bringing Wisdom to Your Practice

These quotes are not just words—they are insights meant to inspire and elevate your yoga journey. Consider integrating them into your daily practice in a variety of ways:

In Your Yoga Classes: Share a quote at the beginning or end of your classes to set a theme or intention for your students. Let the wisdom of these teachers resonate throughout the flow of your class.

Guided Meditations: Choose a quote that speaks to you and build a guided meditation around its message, allowing the words to lead practitioners inward.

Personal Journaling: Reflect on a quote that resonates deeply, and explore what it means to you by journaling how it relates to your experiences on and off the mat.

Mantra or Daily Affirmations: Use a short, impactful phrase as a daily mantra to keep you centered and focused on the deeper aspects of your practice.

In Your Studio Space: Consider displaying these quotes in your yoga studio or personal yoga room area to create an atmosphere of inspiration and tranquility.

Whether you use these words to teach, meditate, or simply reflect, they hold the power to transform your mindset and deepen your understanding of yoga’s true essence. Choose the ones that resonate with you and let them guide your practice, both on and off the mat.

About the Author Jack Utermoehl Yoga Teacher Founder of Asivana Yoga
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