Anusara Yoga

Jack Utermoehl

Anusara yoga, developed by John Friend in 1997, is a distinct form of hatha yoga that combines a therapeutic approach with a philosophy rooted in Tantric traditions. Renowned for its emphasis on biomechanics and heart-centered themes, Anusara focuses on finding the intrinsic goodness in all things.

This style sets itself apart with its "Universal Principles of Alignment", which not only guide physical postures but also encourage a positive, spiritual approach to life. The practice interweaves a strong emphasis on physical alignment with uplifting heart-oriented themes.

John Friend of Anusara yoga is under controversy. This description of Anusara yoga is not intended to explain, defend, or deny any allegations or controversy. If you wish to learn more about this please read more on Wikipedia.

Origins of Anusara Yoga

Anusara yoga emerged in the late 1990s as a modern approach to hatha yoga, offering a unique synthesis of biomechanical principles and spiritual philosophy.

Deeply influenced by Tantric philosophy, Anusara yoga is built around the belief in the inherent goodness of all beings. Its teachings encourage practitioners to embrace a positive and heart-centered outlook on life.

Anusara Yoga Practice

Anusara yoga's practice centers around precise physical alignment, using its distinctive set of alignment principles. These principles support the physical practice while promoting spiritual and emotional growth.

Ausara’s Universal Principles of Alignment

  1. Opening to Grace and Setting the Foundation
  2. Muscular Energy
  3. Inner Spiral (Expanding Spiral)
  4. Outer Spiral (Contracting Spiral)
  5. Organic Energy

Common Poses: Heart-opening poses like Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana), Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Anusara Yoga Suitability

Experience Level: Mixed Level (Suitable for All)

Physical Demand: Gentle Movement to Balanced Activity

Mind-Body Engagement: Mindful & Gentle

Adaptability: Moderately Adaptable

Focus Area: Flexibility & Balance

Notes on Anusara Yoga

Enhances flexibility, strength, and postural alignment while fostering emotional balance and positivity. It also encourages a sense of community and interconnectedness among practitioners.

Similar Styles

Hatha Yoga, Iyengar Yoga


Required: Yoga Mat

Nice to Have: Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap, Bolster

Optional: Yoga Blanket, Eye Pillow


'Anusara Yoga Teacher Training Manual' by John Friend

'Anusara Yoga: Hatha Yoga in the Anusara Style' by Doug Keller

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